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O’Reilly has published several new chapters in the Early Release of the third edition of the Infrastructure as Code book. That’s fifteen out of twenty-one chapters now available! We’ll be adding more chapters before the end of the year, and then the final book should be available around March of 2025.

I’m now going back through the draft to tighten it up. I’ve been writing it over the last eighteen months, and I’ve found that I’ve evolved a bit in my terminology and some of the concepts. I can also see that I’ve duplicated myself in places, such as explaining the same concept in different parts of the book. So I need to make sure it all hangs together more tightly than in this draft.

I’m also revisiting the examples I use throughout the book. I haven’t been consistent in using examples, which would make some chapters easier to understand. I’m changing the example I’ve used so far, “ClotheSpin”, with “FoodSpin”, a company that provides digital menus for restaurants. It’s a more straightforward concept and architecture, and I’m happier with the examples I’m making from it.

Here’s the current outline of the book. There are one or two places where chapters may shift or be re-titled, but the final release will be very close to what you see here.

If you want to keep up to date with news about the book, and content that I post, consider subscribing to my new infrastructure as code newsletter!

Book outline

Chapters listed in bold have a draft version available in Early Release, chapters listed in italics are still in the pipeline.

Part I: Foundations

  1. What Is Infrastructure as Code?
  2. Principles of Cloud Infrastructure
  3. Platforms and Toolchains
  4. Defining Infrastructure as Code

Part II: Design

  1. Design Principles For Infrastructure as Code
  2. Infrastructure Components
  3. Design Patterns for Infrastructure Deployment Stacks
  4. Configuring Stack Deployment Instances
  5. Integrating Deployment Stacks
  6. Infrastructure Code Libraries
  7. Building Servers as Code
  8. Designing Environments
  9. Applications and Infrastructure

Part III: Delivery

  1. Infrastructure Delivery Lifecycle
  2. Testing Infrastructure Code
  3. Infrastructure Delivery Pipelines
  4. Building Infrastructure Code
  5. Infrastructure Validation Stages
  6. Deploying Infrastructure
  7. Changing Existing Infrastructure
  8. Teams and Workflows

