1 minute read

Infrastructure as Code is officially published! The “Pre-order” buttons on Amazon.com and the O’Reilly shop have flipped to “Add to Cart” for both print and e-book formats. I’m told that “boxes and boxes” of the book have arrived in the ThoughtWorks office, although I’m not in today so I don’t have my greasy mitts on a copy yet.

Links to various sites to order the book are over on the right of this page.

Screenshot of the order page on Amazon

This book has been a long haul. It’s hard to express how important the support of so many people has been. ThoughtWorks has been incredibly supportive, on so many levels. I doubt I would have done it without the examples and inspiration of my amazing colleagues across the globe. Martin Fowler has been a tremendous mentor. Rong Tang did the artwork, showing infinite patience as she turned inconsistent, muddled, and incoherent scribbles into great looking imagery.

I owe a great debt to the people of the DevOpsDays community, who are collectively responsible for the ideas of DevOps and Infrastructure as Code. I took a stab at collating what I’ve learned from many peoples’ ideas and experiences into something that hopefully will help other people as much as this community has helped me.

